Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmastime is the Best Time

This year for Christmas we traveled down to St. George to spend it with my family. It was so fun to see everyone!

 Christmas Eve night we had a delicious dinner, then we acted out the nativity as my dad narrated the story. Ellie got the role of baby Jesus, I was Mary, and Jeremy was Joseph. Brey was loving being the angel and shining his flashlight "star of Bethlehem."

After the nativity story we played bingo (Jeremy and I got a pineapple slicer and stationary) and Deal or No Deal (we won $75!).

On Christmas morning we opened presents, ate a delicious breakfast, and spent the day hanging out with each other. Jeremy got the new Super Smash Bros on the Wii U, so we played a lot of that. Our nephew Brey kept asking Jeremy if we could play the "fighting game." He loved that game!

 Late in the week my family went skeet shooting. It's our family tradition to go during the holidays. Ellie and I stayed home though. I figured she wouldn't appreciate the loud noises.

We had such a great time down south for the holidays. Ellie loved being with family and meeting some of her cousins.

 And they loved meeting her too.

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