Monday, January 11, 2016

Resolutions, Printables, and Such

I have the hardest time with resolutions. I have no trouble deciding what I want to work on, but when it comes to actually sticking to them I s.t.r.u.g.g.l.e.  This year I decided to keep it simple. My resolution for 2016 is to take better care of myself. Ever since I had Ellie (let's be real, ever since I became pregnant) I have really dropped the ball on taking care of myself. I spend less time on working out, doing my hair, putting on my makeup, painting my nails, spiritual meditation, just everything. This effects my daily motivation. It's hard to get out and do stuff when you are sitting around in your sweats, so this year I'm focusing more on me. 

This may seem a little selfish, but not focusing on me sometimes also affects my family. I'm less positive and I have a harder time wanting to meet their needs when I don't even meet my own needs. I'm really excited to see the improvements throughout the year. I've already seen a change in my day-to-day routines.

On another note, we finished decorating our family room. Wahoo! It's amazing how much impact little things can have on the feel of a room. I love being able to change decor throughout the year, but I like to keep it simple. That's why I love printables. I just keep them stacked in the frame and rotate through them as the year and holidays progress.


I just finished a new set of printables, and I love how simplistic they are. I have them available for download here if you'd like them. Here's a sneak peak of what they look like.  I absolutely love them. They fully incorporate my quirkiness.

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