Sunday, September 25, 2016

of pillow cases, big girl beds, and "luh you"s

I swear it was just yesterday that I spent the entire night waking up to every move my newborn sweetheart made. Tonight, that same sweetheart is sleeping in a toddler bed. It melted my heart to see her excited face as I handed her a pillow with the Minnie Mouse case my mom made. The same pillow case that was given to her for her first Christmas. I laughed inside when we opened it thinking, "We won't need that for a lonnng time." My eyes moistened as I pulled it down from her closet.

Don't let me fool you into thinking that we tucked her in, said our goodnights, and never heard from her again. I lost track of how many times Mister had to go in and put her in bed. I finally had to take over to save him from losing his mind. Finally, I heard her last "luh you." I hope I never forget the way she says that.

We still have many battles to win. I'm sure there will be a couple tonight during the bewitching hours, but that's okay. It just reminds me that she really is still little. I need to stop blinking. She'll be grown and moving out before I know it.

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