Tuesday, October 11, 2016

parenting: the good, the bad, the ugly

Yesterday was not my day. Well, it started out okay, but after my dad's visit, it slowly (actually quickly) went downhill. It all started when I tried to lay Elle down for her nap. Nothing worked. Not singing. Not stories. Not even a spanking. Finally, after an hour and a half she dosed off. I quickly got started on my nap time projects.

Fifteen minutes later, almost to the second, Elle was roaming her room getting into everything. I quickly finished spray painting the primer on my project and went upstairs before she could do too much damage.

Once we got downstairs everything set her off. She cried about everything. Everything. Finally, I got her to agree to go for a ride with me. We headed to Swig to get me something to help me make it to the end of the day. After that we went to Chick-fil-a to get some french fries for Elle.

Before we even got out of the parking lot the fries spilled in the car twice. I parked the car to clean up the fries. When I leaned over to pick them up off the passenger side floor I leaned on the straw of my drink. This caused the straw to go through the styrofoam cup. I didn't realize what happened, of course, until I picked up the drink and got deliciousness all over my lap.

Once we got home, I checked my spray painting project. The primer was sticky! It had been over two hours and my project was sticking to the drop cloth, causing a rough texture. This meant that I'd have to sand everything and try again, unless they never fully dry. In that case I'll have to use paint remover or something.

Luckily, Mister got home from work early and brought pizza with him. Man, I love that guy. After dinner and bath time it was time for bed. Once again it was a struggle to get Elle to sleep. An hour later she was finally asleep.

Mister and I worked on Elle's birthday present, and headed up to bed at 9:30. Yeah, we were beat. I got ready for bed and soon after Elle woke up crying. Mister went in and got her back to sleep. About a half hour later she woke up crying again. My turn.

I head in and sing her lullaby. She calms down, and when I thought she was asleep I began to leave. She immediately sat up and started to cry again. Normally, I would leave her to her own devices, but she was sick and I could tell she was miserable. 

After many more unsuccessful attempts to leave the room I decided to sleep on the floor in her room. I'm too old to sleep in the floor. I woke up around three in the morning aching all over. I snuck out and slept on my bed of clouds for a few hours. I love our bed.

I can't believe you've made it this far, and read all of my whining. The moral of my bad day? Parenting can be draining. Parenting can be hard. Parenting can push you to your limits and then some. But, kiddos are so sweet. One little smile and your frustrations can melt away. One "luh you" can make you wonder how you could have been so mad. That's why parenting is the most amazing calling you can have on this life.

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